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Aggressive Concrete/Masonry Saw Blades for Handheld and Block Saws

  • Aggressive diamond saw blades with soft bond formula to increase blade's cutting speed. The blade is designed to service a wide variety of applications and to cut through hard materials including:

    • Reinforced concrete
    • Masonry
    • Granite
    • Other stone and quarry material
    Segment Width: 1/8"
    Segment Height: 15 mm
    Max RPM:

    14" - 4,400

    16" - 3,800

    18" - 3,400

    20" - 3,050

    Cutting Method: Wet or dry
    Equipment: Handheld and Masonry Saws
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Will ship on March 14.
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Diameter Arbor Cutting Depth Price Quantity
info14" 1" 4-5/8" $159.99
info14" 20mm 4-5/8" $159.99
info16" 1" 5-5/8" $189.99
info18" 1" 6-5/8" $269.99
info20" 1" 7-5/8" $299.99
info20" - Silent Core 1" 7-5/8" $299.99
info24" 1" 9-5/8" $399.99
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